Network Data for Development
Conducting social network surveys in developing countries can be complicated and expensive. Additionally, there is potential to learn from the network data publicly available. In this spirit, this page will be dedicated to listing publicly available network data that might be of interest to development researchers. Email suggestions/report broken links/etc. to putmands [at] gmail [dot] com. Additionally, where I have re-analyzed datasets for papers I have noted this below. Last updated: 1/30/2025.
Insurance, Credit, and Favor Networks
AMA-CRSP Survey of Risk Coping and Social Networks in Rural Ghana
Used in "Sharing Covariate Risk in Networks"
Replication data for: Risk Pooling, Risk Preferences, and Social Networks (Colombia)
Replication Data for: "Treatment and Spillover Effects Under Network Interference" (China) (note: same survey as Replication Data for: Social Networks and the Decision to Insure which features network aggregates only)
Replication data for: Treatment Effect Accounting for Network Changes (Nepal)
Risk aversion plotted over risk-sharing networks using data from the AMA-CRSP Survey of Risk Coping and Social Networks in Rural Ghana. See "Sharing Covariate Risk in Networks: Theory and Evidence from Ghana."
Information Networks and Social Learning
Social Networks and Diffusion of Soil Heath Innovations in Malawi
Replication Data for: "Treatment and Spillover Effects Under Network Interference" (China) (note: same survey as Replication Data for: Social Networks and the Decision to Insure which features network aggregates only)
Network Structure and the Aggregation of Information: Theory and Evidence from Indonesia
Agricultural Innovation and Resource Management in Ghanaian Households: Survey Data
Data and Code for: Can Network Theory-based Targeting Increase Technology Adoption? (Malawi)
Networked Markets and Firm Networks
Political Networks and Public Goods Provision
Lab Experiments with Network Data
Dynamic Networks
(This section includes both network panels, i.e., the same network collected in multiple rounds, and also other data with different networks collected in multiple rounds.)
Other useful links:
Three surveys on networks in developing countries: Community Networks and the Process of Development, Social Networks in Developing Countries, and Networks in Economic Development.
Some other network data sources: Network Data by Bryan S. Graham, Stanford Large Network Datasets from Stanford Network Analysis Project, UC Irvine's Network Data Repository, Mark Newman's network data repository
Some sources from the technical aspects of network econometrics: The Econometrics of Network Data and The Econometrics of Network Formation
For those at UC Davis, a graduate interdisciplinary course in Network Science: Network Theory and Applications (ECS/MAE 253)
Three packages for running dyadic regressions as well as other econometric models of network formation: netrics (Python), regdyad2 (Stata), ngreg (Stata)