I'm an applied microeconomist working in the fields of microeconomic development, social economics, and behavioral economics. My work is driven by an interest in vulnerability, resilience, and behavioral responses to risk among the poor. While financial services and social networks provide coping strategies, they may also induce risks of their own. To study these risks, I draw upon a variety of methods and data sources, including randomized and quasi-experimental evaluations, behavioral lab experiments, digital trace data, and social network survey data. Some of my work also seeks to make practical contributions to applied econometric approaches using machine learning and simulation methods.
In fall 2025, I will start as an assistant professor at Michigan State University, jointly appointed between Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, and Media and Information. I am currently employed as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Center for Social Norms & Behavioral Dynamics at the University of Pennsylvania, where my work focuses on the social and psychological dimensions of poverty in the United States. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow for the Consumer Protection Initiative at Innovation for Poverty Action. This role focused on using digital finance transaction data to improve consumer protection supervision. I hold an M.S. and Ph.D. in Agricultural & Resource Economics from the University of California, Davis and a Bachelor's in both Economics and Mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. My dissertation studied the role of social networks in resilience to risk in low- and middle-income countries.
My CV.
Recent News
07/2025 - I have accepted an assistant professorship at Michigan State University (starting August 2025, jointly appointed in Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, and Media and Information)!
03/2025 - "Social Network Structure and the Radius of Risk Sharing" accepted at Social Network Analysis and Mining
03/2025 - I'll be presenting at MWIEDC on digital fraud in Nigeria
02/2025 - I participated in the many economists project as a replicator. The working paper (led by Huntington-Klein and Portner) is now up as SSRN
02/2025 - New draft of "Tackling Endogeneity: Estimating Optimal Pass Rate in the NFL Using Instrumental Variables" with Tolhurst
01/2025 - "Probing the Limits of Mobile Phone Metadata for Poverty Prediction and Impact Evaluation" with Barriga-Cabanillas, Blumenstock, and Lybbert accepted at the Journal of Development Economics
Old News
01/2025 - "Navigating the Rise in Non-Institutional Digital Fraud: An Experiment with Micro Enterprises in Nigeria" with Byrne, King, and Jang now a Trinity Economics Paper
12/2024 - I presented in the PDRI-DevLab workshop series on digital fraud
11/2024 - I presented at the PPE Society Annual Meetings '24 on subjective income expectations
10/2024 - I presented on digital credit in Kenya at IPA's Consumer Protection Innovation Exchange in Nairobi, Kenya
09/2024 - I presented at the IPA Researcher Gathering '24 on subjective income expectations
08/2024 - "Probing the Limits of Mobile Phone Metadata for Poverty Prediction and Impact Evaluation." with Barriga-Cabanillas, Blumenstock, and Lybbert, conditionally accepted at Journal of Development Economics
07/2024 - Updated working paper: Social Network Structure and the Radius of Risk Pooling
07/2024 - I presented two posters at IC2S2 '24 including one on social network response to social unrest and one on social capital and occupational mobility
06/2024 - I presented at the Swarthmore Economics Summer Seminar on anti-fraud interventions
05/2024 - Updated working paper: Sharing Covariate Risk in Networks
04/2024 - I presented at MWIEDC '24 on social network response to social unrest
11/2023 - I presented at NEUDC '24 on social network response to social unrest
10/2023 - I presented at the IPA/GPRL Researcher Gathering '23 on digital credit